Give you my wild, give you a child - spn_626 (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter One ~ I'm Havin' His Baby

Chapter Text

It has been a peachy month. Just peachy.

First there was Ozzie's, which had led to Stolas cancelling the last two full moons, next the whole situation with Striker and then Barbie saying she wants nothing to do with him. It had been great, just great. On top of that, the last month Blitz had been waking up with intense bouts of nausea, bone aching tiredness no matter how much he slept and the other day he noticed he was bloating. Satan damn him and trying to be more healthy to over come whatever illness he was facing, the water bloating was annoyingand lasting longer than it should, even causing a lot of his pants being too tight. So the past month and a bit has been peachy. Which left him here. Sitting in a clinic waiting for his name to be called and he hates clinics and hospitals. All that happened to led him in this boring-ass mess was falling asleep during ONE meeting and then throwing up when Moxxie woke him up. If you asked him, it was all Moxxie's fault. But Loona had asked him to go to see a doctor and who was he to deny his Loonie Toonie?

It was probably nothing. Just the flu or something, that would explain everything. Well, everything apart from the bloating. But that's just water bloating which istotallynormal. And yesmaybe he had lost a little weight, which would contribute to his bloating, and yes his body was aching but he was used to his body being weird like that. For heavens sake he grew up in the circus! All he needs is some pain killers and nausea medicine and he would be fine. He is fine.

Getting lost in his own thoughts, Blitz almost missed his name being called. "-o Buckzo. A Mr. Blitzo Buckzo" The receptionist calls, clearly ignoring what he said about the 'o' in his name being silent. Satan he hates clinics. "The 'o' is silent bitch." He grumbles as he got up from his seat, making his way to the front desk. Eyeing him up and down, the receptionist gave him a dirty glare, perks of being an imp, and pointed him towards his check-up room. "First door on your left".

Following her instructions he stands outside a door with the name 'Dr Corson' on it, takes a breathe and opens it. Inside is a typical clinic room, with its typical sterile smell that always assaults his nose. Blitz makes his way to the middle of the room where the examination table is and sits on it, idly kicking his legs back and forward waiting for the doctor to come in. He didn't have to wait long as a orange baphomet walks in holding a clipboard and pen.

"Good afternoon Mr. Buckzo, am I Dr. Corson, what seems to be the issue?" She asks. Blitz takes a shaky breathe and explains his symptoms; "I've been throwing up every morning for the past month, I'm always tired, my bones and back ache and I've seem to lost weight yet bloating." He starts picking on the blue paper on the table, avoiding eye contact as the doctor scribbles down some notes.

"Your symptoms line up with the flu and it has been going around at the moment. But what is worrying me is the throwing up for a month. I have an idea or two of what it could be but first I need to do a few tests." Dr Corson looks up to Blitz, waiting for his approval to proceed. Normal he would argue back but at this point he just wants this strange illness to be over, he was so tired and just fed up. "Sure. Whatever."

”Before we start, are you sexual active?” She asks, making Blitz feel exposed. “Umm, I haven’t been for about 2 months I think.” He couldn’t help his mind wonder to Stolas. The last night they had before the sh*t-show that was Ozzies was pretty good, and he finally let Stolas top him (or more like he finally convinced Stolas to top him, but no one needs to know that). And Chaz. Satan-forsaken Chaz. If that overgrown shark has given him something he will kill him. "There was someone around just over a week ago." Blitz confessed watching Dr Corson note something on a clipboard. She then looks to him and explains the tests she will do and asking if he was ok with it. And with his approval she takes his blood, passes it to another doctor who leaves, and gives him a cup to pee in. When he returns she places a test in it and points him to sit down.

After what feels like hours, the doctor who left came back and hands Dr Corson a piece of paper. She looks at it and then the test in the cup and then at Blitz. “Well sir, it’s safe to assume that it is not the flu, I just have to run one more test to make sure it's nothing else." Wait. Not the flu? What in the seven rings is wrong with him?"Yeah sure, whatever. Just get it over with." Blitz was now starting to get frustrated, it was just meant to be a routine check up in which a doctor would tell him he had the flu and given him a few drugs to sort it out.

Dr Corson nodds and guides him to lie down on the examination table as she leaves the main room to go into the side room. Moments later she re-appears with a giant screen on wheels, placing it next to the table and sits down. "Raise your top just below your chest." Blitz hesitantly does what he's told, a little self-conscience of his bloated stomach. Oh satan, with my luck I probably have a parasite or something."Ok, good, now I'm going put some gel on your stomach and it may be a bit cold." Dr Corson said as she squeezes the gel onto his stomach and rubs a wand, well what Blitz thought was one anyway, all over it and humming as she fixated her attention on the screen. Whatever she was looking for, she didn't have to look for for too long. "Well, it definitely is not the flu." She laughed. "Well, what is it then." Blitz demands, now fully losing his patient.

Turning the machine's screen around so it's facing Blitz. "Congratulations Mr Buckzo, you are two months pregnant!" And there on the screen, floating innocently without a care in the world, was a bean shaped creature unaware of the sh*t-show its existence has created.


But at least it's Stolas'.

Chapter 2: Chapter Two~ OOPS (part one)


TW: slight mention of abortions

Chapter Text

Pregnant. f*cking pregnant.Gripping the steering of his van and avoiding the picture that seemed to be almost mocking him, Blitz bites his lip in an attempt to stop it from quivering. Dr Corson had explained to him pretty much everything, from what he could and couldn't eat, drink and do, to what he should expect with his changing body to accommodate the growing foetus as well as prenatal victims and medication for his nausea. She also explained his options and if he didn't want to continue with the pregnancy he could always terminate, though he would have to decide sooner rather than later as the time frame for a safe and legal abortion was getting smaller and smaller. Thinking about ending the pregnancy causes him to hold his stomach in a protective way, as a pit forms depth within it. Blitz knew that it would be the easiest option then he could pretend he just had the flu or something and put this whole sh*t-show behind him. But a part of him wants this, wants the baby, maybe even raise it with Stolas as something more than what they are; but that was a selfish part of him, a selfish and delusional part of him. But that could never happen as Stolas saw as nothing more than an impish little play thing. Just that thought alone almost causes Blitz to fully lose it. But what does cause him to cave in and finally break is that he knows that he wants this baby. He wants it badly. And that's what causes Blitz Buckzo to break down crying in his van in a carpark of a clinic in Sloth.

After a while Blitz takes a deep breath, rubs his face and starts his vans engine. "It's ok. I'm ok. In fact I'm peachy, just peachy. All that's wrong is that I am carrying a Goetia prince of hell's half owl demonic hell-spawn. That's super totally normal." Blitz laughs, a laugh that lacked any mirth. "Yeah super normal." He repeats as he starts driving towards the inter-ring roads and elevators to go back home. 'Fuuuccck! I need a drink or an iced coffee'Blitz thinks, which sucks as he can neither for the next four months or so as both alcohol and caffeine are a big no-no. But then he remembers Moxxie saying that there was a really good coffee shop in Greed that does really good decaffeinated ice coffees. 'Guess I'm taking a quick de-tour to Greed.'


"Look lady, it's not MY fault you only know how to make coffee that tastes like PISS!" Being thrown out of a coffee shop is not new to Blitz, he likes an iced coffee a certain way, but what was new to him is the horrid acid taste coffee now leaves in his mouth. Damn, I thought it was just the coffee back home that was gross, thanks a lotjunior.Just as he's about to get up he hears the sound of a least half a dozen quieves and the sound os screeching metal coming towards him. He turns around just in time not to get squished by them and backs up quickly as he unconsciously wraps an arm around his stomach. He looks down at his attackers and sees a white quieve in a wheelchair with a bone in its mouth looking up at him all innocently as if it hadn't just almost run over him.

"Oh wow!"Oh sh*t, not him."Look who it is!" The unmistakable raspy voice of FizzaRolli mocks him. "Oh f*ck..."As if I need this today as well."You again..." Getting up Blitz turns his back slightly to his ex-best friend and first crush. "Stalkin' me now, huh?" Fizz lifts up his sunglasses and stares Blitz down, his crooked smile drawn in a condescending way.

"Oh don't f*cking flatter yourself, clown, I have my own life, ya know." Blitz stomps towards the other imp, pointing a clawed finger at him. "Without YOU in it." Blitz turns to walk away, checking himself up and down, staying a little longer on his stomach. "Uh huh, sure! Blitz-O..."San-f*cking-damn it, Fizz really knows how to push my buttons.

"The 'O' is silent now, bitch!" Blitz can't help the anger rising inside him, he blames the hormones, as he aggressively pointed his finger at FizzaRolli's chest. Fizz, clearly a little unsettled by Blitz's contact pushes him away and brushes off the part of his arm that touched Blitz. "And gee whiz! We've been in each other's relative vicinity, TWICE in the last fifteen years! That would make me... THE sh*tTIEST STALKER, IN HISTORY!" He stomps his foot and places both arms on his hips, he was tired it had been a long day and all Blitz wanted was to go home, curl up on his couch, eat ice cream and watch 'Spirit'... and maybe cry. Most definitely cry.

"Twice..." FizzaRolli almost crawls up Blitz to get into his personal space, which allows him to see the slitted pupils in Fizz's eyes a clear sign of the hatred Fizz feels towards him and Blitz would lie to everyone if they asked him did that hurt and would deny that he felt his eyes prick with the common feeling of tears.Satan-damn thesehormones."... is already way to much." And to sink the titanic even more, Fizz messes with Blitz's co*cker, the one that belonged to his mother. 'Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.' Blitz repeats a few times, which surprisingly works. And then FizzaRolli pushes him to the side, which causes a loss of balance as he almost falls over and only falls off the crib but causes a small dizzy spell and his stomach to roll uncomfortably.

"Yeah? Well at least I'm still actually working for my sh*t and not getting everything handed to me like some pampered attention whor*!" Blitz ignores the way his comment made Fizz growl in favour of walking away and returning to his van. 'I wonder if I canconvince Loonie to watch Spirit with me, I mean technically I am sick and she is the one who forced me to go visit a doctor. And she knows how much I hate...

"Yeah well... guess that's what resilience and talent gets ya. PLUS my horns were always bigger than yours... weren't they?" FizzaRolli's voice darkened at the end, and the past tense did not go over Blitz's head. The next thing he knew he was running at full speed towards Fizz and lunging as he bears his claws for an attack, bumping into Fizz as they roll off the pavement and into the middle of the road. And before he knew it him and Fizz were in a full out brawl in the middle of a cheering crowd on a random road in Greed.

After a few minutes of throwing punches, receiving punches, trying to hold back from throwing up all over Fizz and protecting his stomach, he feels a tight rope tie him and Fizz closer and yank them both in the air at an alarming rate right before everything goes black.

Chapter 3: Chapter Three ~ OOPS (part two)


This chapter is longer than the first few, so I hope you guys enjoy :)

Chapter Text

Stolas gripped his hat anxiously, as he waits for his meeting with Asmodeus to begin, it had been a month since he had last seen Blitz and over two months since their last full moon meetings. Blitz hadn't visited him in the hospital and hadn't even visited him when he was released. Though he had received a small horse plush a few days ago without a name or note from the sender, and how he hopes that it was from his beloved Blitzy.

To try distract himself from his throbbing arm, and his equally painful thoughts, he decided to focus on the ticking noises from the clock. It relaxed him in someways, but did noting to reduce the anxieties he's currently face. After what feels like a decade, the door in front on him opens and a voice calls out, making him jump slightly, "Stolas! Hey there bird babe..." Stolas gets to his talons while putting on his hat to make his way towards the Sin of Lust, Asmodues. "...Haven't seen you since you crashed my club, how you been? Still getting your kink on with that feisty imp?" Ozzie closes the door behind him as they enter his office, leading them towards a set of table and chairs.

Stolas couldn't help the nervous laugh that escaped his beak. "Well, um, that's actually what I'm here about. You see I, um, seem to have found myself with feelings for him..." He pets his tuff of feathers on his chest in an almost theoretic way, right before the emotions of his confess catch up to him and he loses his balance and places a gloved hand on the table for support. "... and I'm not sure if it's a mutual thing." Heaven it hurts to say that out loud.

"Well I can tell ya, if you're looking for a love potion you came to the wrong f*cking guy. I don't f*ck with that artificial bullsh*t! LUST, shouldn't be forced..." Ozzie sits down a picks up a bowl of crudely sweets, looking a cross between angry or annoyed and Stolas can't tell which one makes him feel worse. "... It's an ART! To be earned and enjoyed..." he picks up two of the sweets and inserts the dick shaped one into a mouth shaped one. "... it's all about that journey to pleasure town. You feel me?"

'oH! No! Never, NEVER that. I just... You see... This imp has a business he runs. He needs to access the mortal realm to carry out his work. I know your demons are some of the only ones won can traverse freely, and legally. I was wondering if you could assist me in..." Stolas pauses as he watches Ozzie eat the rest of the sweets in the bowl and uses his magic to pull a book from his collection, placing it on the table to show the Sin of Lust. "... finding a way he could too?" Stolas ignores the way his voices quivers at the end, he knows that is Asmodeus agrees to help him he could loose Blitz. But he had to, their current arrangement was unhealthy and he was being selfish using and exploiting Blitz the way he has been for the past year or so.

Asmodeus pauses for a second, to take a good look at Stolas. He can see they way the owl was hurting, but by helping him he would be helping the imp that caused so much pain and suffering to Fizz. He just cannot do that. "Oh! Hmmm, Stolas my heart bleeds for you, but my partner, uh,businesspartner, FizzaRolli hates your imp guy. Blitzo, right? Yeeaahh..." Ozzie clenches his fist to exaggerate his next point. "...haaates-uh."

The cracking sound of Asmodeus fist causes Stolas' eye to twitch slightly, the sound reminding a bit too much of his encounter with the assassin his ex-wife hired to kill, Striker, and when he broke his leg. "He does? But why?" Stolas couldn't fathom why in hell someone would Blitz that much, yes he does has he downs, yes he can be frustrating and hard to communicate with, but he has a heart of gold which is rare in hell. Stoals has seen first hand how much he cares and loves his daughter and, even if he hasn't shown it to him recently, Blitz has cared for him too.

"Not my story to tell, but trust me I would help if I could, but I can't, sorry" The sound of a frog's ribbit echos from Ozzies phone, and he doesn't need to check it to know who the notification is from. He smiles softly as he gets up from his chair and walks past a sad Stolas, who looks a few seconds from breaking down as an almost silent sigh breaks free from his beak. Opening the message, a big screen formed from a purplish cloud appears before both avian demons. The word 'DOWNLOADING...' and a picture of FizzaRolli appear on said cloud as they both wait to see the message.

On the screen flashes a smug looking imp, who is not Fizz, smiling down on them who, if you ask Stolas, looks a lot like an older version of one of Blitz's employees Moxxie, which confuses both demons. "Hello Asmodeus you don't know me but you don't need to..." His accent makes it clear that he is from not just Greed, but from one of the many mafia's in Greed. "...All you need to know is that I have your little jester here with me..." Ozzie angry growls and grabs the screen with his talons when Fizz appears on the screen, clearly in distress and tied up with what looks to be duck-tape. "...If you want him back alive, you will give me exactly what I want."

The look on Fizz's face causes the Sin of Lust to fully go into a state of angered panic. "Do you have any idea who you are f*ckING WITH???" His mane catches aflame, as Ozzie's full demon threatens to crawl its way out. Stolas interrupts his out break reminding the sin that this video is not live, but a recording, in an attempt to calm him down before he burns the room down.

"Ya probably just asked if I know who I'm dealing with and oh yes, I know. The weakest and most non-threatening of the sins. The king who will do whatever it takes to save the worst kept secret in all of hell. We both know you won't risk anything happening to the clown..." Both Striker and Fizz enter the camera frame as the assassin harshly throws the clown around, and Stolas cannot help the chill that runs down his spine as the look of his almost murderer. "...So be a good little bitch boy and do the thing. My lawyers will be over shortly with th contract of demands. You have until the witching hour to sign it." The mafia imp creates a red smoke clock that points to 3 o'clock that rudely finds its way into Stolas' face, causing the owl to cough. The imp laughs as he tells the camera man to "cut" and when the video is finally over Asmodeus' phone drops onto the table, as all the flames in the room start blazing as Ozzie roars and his flaming demon form breaks free even more.


Blitz is awoken rudely by something be thrown at him and an intense wave of sickness that he fights to keep down, but ultimately losses as he just thrust in the air. The dizziness from before feels like it has doubled as he can just make out someone scream "ewww that's disgusting!". It takes him a few more seconds to get his bearings correct as his memories come flooding back from before. The doctors appointment, finding at he was pregnant with Stolas' kid, breaking down and deciding he wants to keep it, going to Greed to buy some decaffe coffee, bumping into Fizz and getting into a fight and now here. Wherever here is. All he knows is that he's locked in a cage somewhere, probably in Greed, with yep, one FizzaRolli.What a day.

Turning to look as Fizz he notices that he looks as green as he feels, and that he is struggling in his binds. "Oh chill out jester, it's like you have never seen someone throw up before or been tied up." He watches Fizz moan and struggle even more.

"Ugh, sure but not by a buncha sick psychos and a sick piece of sh*t!" Blitz watches as Fizz falls down, unable to catch himself due to his arms being tied to his sides. "Am I... ok...ok am I the psycho or the piece of sh*t?"


"Yeah, that checks." He can still taste the vomit in his mouth and his stomach is still doing laps. Or would it be his kid doing laps? "How is this happening? I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggliiiing!" Fizz once again falls over, but this time on purpose and on his back, and Blitz watches Fizz kick his feet in a way a child would. In a way his child may in a few months, which causes his heart to melt a tiny bit. f*ck, stop thinking about that! I need to focus!

"And I was only stopping for some coffee. RELAX, I'm sure your big royal chicken ain't gonna let anything happen to his peppy lil' f*ck doll."

"Ooooh playing' that card huh? Ok... What 'bout you? seems like your taste has gotten more Regal lately." Fizz laughs coldly, and f*ck Blitz realises he should not have opened that door. "Yeah well unlike you I f*ck who I want, when I want. I'm not gonna be tied down to some big blue-blood asshole..." well, he guesses he kinda is now, considering the dumb foetus in his belly is half blue-blood.

"You coulda fooled me, the way princely was coming up to you at Ozzie's" Ok, so Blitz shouldn't have opened this door, but Fizz should NOT have crossed that line.

"HEY! Stolas only cares about having a rugged peasant raw-dog him into his mattress... it's nothing... it's nothing more." It WAS nothing more till about three hours ago, and if his voice broke he will deny it till his dying breath.

"Then why were you even there?" Fizz raises his eyebrow, the way he did when they were kids and he knew Blitz was bullsh*tting.

"Other very important reasons of course." Like stalking co-workers and watch their perfect relationship."Whatever, I don't actually care." Fizz turns from facing his cellmate to try focus on his blinding to find a way to escape.

"I mean, Stolas is just a loud, thirsty, bitch who loves feeling the thrill of getting kicked by the lower class. It's a novelty to him..." -"I literally said I don't care"- "... and THEN he'll call me and try and see howmyday was, and he'll pretend to care about me, and comment on my photos and laugh at my jokes." Blitz couldn't help the word vomit, which was almost as bad as when he actually threw up. But what was worse is that he could feel the tears leaking from his eyes. He knew it was all fake, Verosika faked it for a few months, maybe even a few weeks, before she dropped her act and satan did it sting when she did. So he was just waiting till Stolas did the same thing.

"Oh! Well that's definitely your clue right there that it's all bullsh*t..."- "I KNOW RIGHT! He's just a fake asshole!"- "... causes no one, and I mean NO ONE, pretends to care that much just for a cheap lay." Technically the last lay wasn't cheap, it's cost Blitz his body for 6 months, and will cost him an arm and a leg in the future once the f*cker has popped out.


Turns out that both he and Fizz had been lied to 15 years ago after the accident that left both their bodies scared and Fizz without his limbs. But both of them could now put that behind them and start the long road of forgiveness, reconnecting and being apart of each other's life again.

"... and so then Moxxie fires his crossbow in the office, which flings around everywhere, and hits my fish-tank with my new eels. That causes it to fall over and tip on my carpet and set my office on fire in front of client!" Blitz can feel Fizz laugh from where he is siting on his back as he gives him a piggyback rid from the car they hijacked, which broke down around two blocks ago, towards his parked van. Blitz was telling Fizz his adventures and misshapes that have taken place because of his job, and he must admit that he had missed Fizz's laugh and it was good to hear it again.

"Ahahahaha! I once burnt pasta trying to boil it!"

"How did you mange that?" Blitz couldn't help but snort at that short story, feeling genuinely happy, a feeling he does not feel that often. It felt good, amazing actual. Turning a corner Blitz could finally seen his van, halfway down the longest street in hell.

"I don't even know! Ozzie now will never allow me in the kitchen on my own or by a microwave and oven!"

"I bet! Do you know how hard it is to burn pasta on the stove!"

"Stopppp! I get enough of that from Ozzie!" They both laugh in unison, it did feel like how they were kids again, laughing together over each other's jokes and stories.

They finally reach Blitz's van and Blitz puts Fizz down and opens the door for him before he makes his way towards the drivers side of the van. He open his door, sits in his seat, and he turns to look at Fizz and his stomach drops as his blood runs cold as he sees what's in the other imps hands. In Fizz's hand was his sonogram picture and prenatal vitamins. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Fizz- I ca... I can explain!"

"You did all that today while f*ckING pregnant! You could've been hurt! The baby could've been hurt! Wait... is this why you threw up? Whose is it?" Fizz scrambled to sit in his seat and got very close to Blitz, almost causing their noses to touch.

"I...umm... didn't expect today to happen. I mean I only f*cking found out earlier and I just wanted some coffee but coffee taste like sh*t! It f*ckING sucks, so then I tell the woman that her coffee is sh*t...!" Fizz watches Blitz slowly loose it ranting about the days events, he knows he should stop Blitz, but sue him, he wants to know this sh*t, his ex-crush and childhood friend is knocked the f*ck up!

"It has been a day hasn't it? Buttt you still haven't answered my most important question... who is the father?"

"f*ckING STOLAS' That stupid prick has knocked me up with his half owl hell spawn. And do you know what the worst thing is Fizz..." Blitz looks almost desperate, like he just needed someone to rant to.


"I wanna keep them."

Chapter 4: Chapter Four~ I'm Ok, But I'm Not Fine at All

Chapter Text

"You're sh*tting me? You're what?"

"Pregnant Loonie, I'm f*cking pregnant." Blitz doesn't look at Loona as he continues to make them dinner, simply some super noodles and Pringles.Should I be eating more healthily? Uh, I'll start to tomorrow.

"Well that explains a f*cking lot!" Loona snorts and it was hard to tell if it was humorous or a more sneer snort. At that comment Blitz whips his head to stare to Loona, almost causing his headache from earlier to return, "that explains what?"

"Well for starters you smell. And have done for the past few months. You have been very irritable and emotional and haven't stopped puking for weeks. Plus you have been eating werid-ass crap, I mean you are literally mixing chocolate sauce and peanut butter into your noodles!" She, almost, shouts as her ears pin against her head. "And you are getting fat, fatter than Moxxie."

"I am not fatter than Moxxie and noodles with chocolate sauce and peanut butter is really nice!" He then turns to finish the noodles and brings the non-seasonedboring noodles to his daughter. "Wait, if you noticed all that why didn't you say something?" He plonks myself next to her on the couch.

"I did- I have been for weeks. I've practically been begging for weeks. You're not as good at hiding as you thought." Loona rolls her eyes as Blitz huffs. She goes quiet for a second, if dad keeps it will he still want me?

"... it's annoying as f*ck 'cause I will end up f*ckingfatter than Moxxie, if that's even possible, and then HE'S gonna be up my ass 'bout it. But it will be your job as the best big sister in hell to protect me and your little... umm... whatever the f*ck is growing in me from him. Got it Loonie?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." It was easier just to agree with hi- "best big sister?... you're not gonna... replace me?" f*ck, why did I say that out loud, his sh*tting hormones better not be rubbing off on me.A crushing weight almost knocks the noodles out of Loona's hands, but did successfully knock the train off the dangerous tracks of her thoughts. A hand slowly reaches up and starts stroking her hair.

"Oh Loonie, no, never. You will never be replaced. Don you hear me? Never. You will always be my baby girl, do you understand?" Blitz's voice quivered at the end as tears start welling up in the corner of eyes. He is hugging Loona like both their lives depend on it, and it takes Loona a few seconds to process what Blitz had said and hesitantly hugs him back as she tearfully whispers, "you promise?"

"I promise."


Sitting alone in his living room, eating sugary cereal and watching soap operas has been Stolas' normal Friday night. Octavia was at her mother's for the weekend and his staff had long since retired for the night. It was kinda depressing. For him anyway. He had long zoned out the TV and was instead thinking of what he had witnessed earlier that day. Asmodeus and FizzaRolli. He had spent the whole day helping the Sin of Lust to save his partner, only for him to return in the last minute. It was bittersweet to see the two reunite and embrace each other, but he couldn't help that bitter feeling of cold jealousy that crept through his body and spread through his veins because that's what he wants with his darling Blitzy.

Why couldn't he have that? Didn't he deserve happiness? Haven't he suffered in a loveless and abusive relationship for years, so why couldn't he have the relationship he wanted. It wasn't fair. He loves Blitz, he loves him so much. But he doesn't know if Blitz evenlikeshim or at leasttolerateshim. But he just had to seem him, even if it was only once a month, which is why he had started the full moon deal. His grimoire for a night together every full moon. But it is no longer enough. Stolas wants more. He wants to wake up everyday to his imp in his bed, not only when Blitz decides to stay the full night (which wasn't very often. He wants to get married to him, join their families and maybe even expand them. But that was just a dream. A stupid selfish fantasy.

So instead Stolas is currently mopping in his red silk dressing-gown, eating sugary cereal and watchingHell-a-novela.Definitely not imaging the two characters on the screen who were getting married were actually him and Blitz.

Getting lost in his own fantasy, once again, of what his and Blitz's wedding would be (he would want it to be a small private event, not the big stupid wedding he had with Stella) and imagining what Blitz would look like in both a dress and a suit, he misses the end of the episode, they probably just went to their honey moon to do what loving couples did, practical everyone around him was living his dream. With that, Stolas makes his way to his empty room for an early night.


Looking at himself in a mirror, now knowing what was wrong with him, is really weird. Blitz places one of hands over the slight but define bump which was hard and warm which was relaxing in so weird way. A small smile creeps up on his lips,I'm having another kid. Satan I'm having another kid.A slight laugh escapes Blitz's lips as he pulls down his top and leaves the bathroom to retire to his couch.

Getting comfy, he couldn't stop his mind from wondering back to the baby that was currently growing inside of him, causing him to move his back back onto the bump and he starts stroking it softly. "You have already caused me so much trouble, and I only learnt about you today..." He whispers, pausing for a second as he realises something. "...Huh, I wonder what you'll look like. I mean you're half me, half Stolas. Don't think one of you have every existed before, wonder what Stolas will think of you."

"Wait. What the fuckam I gonna tellStoLAS !?!"sh*t.After everything that has happened today that very daunting fact had slipped from his mind. He hasn't talk to Stolas properly in like a month, since his daughter Via had ran off to LA in the human realm, and other than that it had been a few messages and even fewer phone calls since the sh*t-show that was Ozzies. It had been even less contact between them since Striker had kidnapped and toured Stolas, and he hadn't been able to save him and had to send M&M in his place.

Stolas had asked him to visit him in hospital and hetried.He really had. There were many, in Blitz's opinion anyway, valid reasons why he hadn't. One there was too much security guarding him, for hell's shake he was a f*cking Prince of Hell, second was the Satan-damned paparazzi that was everywhere so he couldn't even scale wall to get into his room and THEN was the mysterious (no longer mysterious) illness that had been-and still is- plaguing him. By the time the paparazzi had died down and his security had loosened up a little he was constantly exhausted or throwing up, or if he was lucky both. And then he had been released and gone back home, to which he sent a simple 'swry 4 nto cuming, gsld ur ko :)' to which Stolas reacted to with a heart. Simple. But very much not like Stolas. It had hurt him more than he would admit when he first saw it. And that was the last time they had even texted, it had been radio silent for the last few days. Which was strange for Stolas. Even after Ozzie's Stolas still messaged him, but recently there hadn't even been a simple 'Hello Blitzy <3'. It felt like Stolas almosthates hi-

Oh Satan.Stolas hated-hates him. Blitz grips his stomach protectively. He hadn't text or phoned him in, for Stolas, ages and he has canceled their last two 'meet' ups. If Stolas hates him, what will he think about junior? Blitz is starting to panic, his breathe hitches as tears start pooling in his eyes. What if- what if he makes me get rid of it, or he does it himself because I refuse? He was an Ars Goetia, the prince of the Ars Goetia, after all and doesn't give a sh*t about lower class demons like himself. Blitz's chest tightens, feeling a lot like suffocation. The only reason Stolas put up with him was because his 'impish little plaything'was a good f*ck, a child was never a part of that. Their deal is simple, he needs the book and Stolas wants to be dicked down. A child, let alone feelingswere never apart of it.

f*ck. He is screwed.

But... what if Stolas didn't know. Stolas has canceled two full moon meetings, so he will probably cancel more and if he doesn't the next full moon he will only start properly showing so he can just say he's bloating or it's his time of month or he had a big lunch. The next two times he can pull a 'sickie' and by the next full moon the kid should have popped out (if he's lucky, if not another sickie). And then if Stolas wants to continue after that everything will go back to normal, well their normal, and he never needs to know about the kid. It will hurt and it will be difficult be he has to keep their existence from the owl prince, to keep both him and the baby safe. Stolas cannot know. Blitz has decided.

With that thought, Blitz curls in on himself and wraps his tale around his stomach, and falls into a tearfully and restless sleep.

Chapter 5: Chapter Five ~ Thirty two and still growing?


sorry for the late update, I had an assignment I needed to finish! hope you guess enjoy this chapter :)
Oh and happy TTPD release day for people who celebrate !

Chapter Text

For once Blitz couldn't wait to get home from work. He is tried, he feels sick (and has already thrown up twice today) and his trousers are digger into his sides very uncomfortably. Oh and his nipples started aching yesterday, and today they are rubbing uncomfortably on his shirt. But this meeting was dragging on and on and on. Moxxie was eyeing him up and going on about something to do with... visibility? ... showing more? What in Satan is he going on about? Readjusting his clothes to try to make himself a little more comfortable as he tries to pay a little attention to his friends rivals

"You see Sir, I think we should be a little more..." Moxxie once again eyes him up and down "...child-friendly and to be more truthful. "The innuendo going over Blitz's head.

"Real helpful Mox. We run a killing business not a babysitting business." Blitz rubs his temples as he stands up and makes his way towards the whiteboard.

"Ummm B, that's not what Mox is on about. We've just noticed that you have..." Millie gestures her hands towards his abdomen, though once again, that goes over Blitz's head.

"I've what Mills?"

"Oh, for f*ck sake Blitz! They're on about your fat*ss baby bump." Loona chips in without looking up from her phone.

"LooNIE!" Blitz's voice breaks at the end, it's not that he didn't want M&M to know (he was gonna ask them to be his kid's hellparents) it just he didn't really know how to tell them (and definitely didn't forget to tell them).

"I knew IT! Sir, what about the company? Wait, you've been going on hits recently, how could you be so irresponsible?" It was pretty funny watching Moxxie getting so worked up, but it was starting to make sense to Blitz why his mind had unconsciously had forgotten to tell them.

Mille comes up to him, her eyes full of pure happiness and joy, clearly buzzing and hugs (well, more squeezes) him, but still careful of his bump. "Oh B congratulations!" She pulls back slightly " Ouuuhhh I helped my mama when she was pregnant with my siblings, so if you need any just give me a shout!" She then slaps his arm slightly "when did you find out?" Ok, as much as his loves Millie she was really giving him a migraine.

"Well, I only found out liketwo weeks ago, sosorry for processing a little." He taps her slightly in signal that he wants her to let him go, which she complies stilling giving him a very genuine and happy smile. Moxxie, on the other hand, does not look that too impressed with him.

"Sir, you have been going on missionswhilepregnant and by the way, how far along are you? You look at least three months,' Moxxie pauses, eyeing Blitz up and down once again, 'maybe three and a half."

"Hey!I'm only like two and a half. And are you- Mox- really calling me fat?"

"I mean, you do look fat da-Blitz"

"Loonie, you're meant to be protecting me!" Blitz whines as his daughter starts laughing at him, causing him to pout even more.

"That's not the problem sir! You have put yourself at risk while being pregnant! And are you going to keep working till you have the baby, what about after?" Blitz rolls his eyes at Moxxie's rambling, his migraine increasing by the second, and zones him out till Moxxie asks the one question he does not want to answer, causing Blitz to go rigid. "And whose is it? The princes'? How does he feel about?" Well, technically it was three, but they were all intertwined with each other and pretty much meant the same thing.

"I- ugh, well it's... you see. It's kinda complicated. But the short answer is yes." He ignores the way Loona rolled her eyes, as it is true in an away, the little hellspawn in his stomach is Stolas' but he just doesn't know that it exists.

Millie can clearly see the slight distress in her boss' face and taps her husbands shoulder lightly to grab his attention, and when he turned to look at her she gives him a slight shake of her head to signal him to stop asking questions. "Well Blitz, you must be excited." She says in an attempt to change the topic slightly.

"Oh, umm I guess I am." He gives a small smile, and then it drops in realisation the conversation he has just had. "Is it really that noticeable? Ugh, now the little sh*t is making me change my wardrobe!" Blitz looks down on himself and for what feels like the first time can see a define bump in his suit, causing his jacket to raise up in a weird way. f*ck, that does not look right. "Loonie we are going shopping after work!" And with that he gracefully stomps out of the meeting room, into the office and slams the door. Mad

Loona looks up from her phone for a second and simply shrugs. "I've told him he's getting fat."


Going shopping turns out to be a little more fun than Blitz had thought it would be. One Loona was spending time with him and two so were M&M, outside of work and him stalking them. They did stay in the mall for long, as Blitz only bought a few things that he will need in the short run: a handful of big tops and jumpers, some (really) stretchy impternity leather pants and joggers, some slippers and new pyjamas (both horse themed of course) and a little horse teddy for the baby (which was now officially the first thing he bought for them). They then decided for a little work-do company meal in WackDonald's.

"I just find it annoying how I can't have caffeine, or more than one cup of iced coffee for another three and a half months!" Blitz complains, throwing himself f the table dramatically.

"Sir, that is not the end of the world. Plus there are other things during pregnancy."

"Very helpful Mox, like what?" Blitz mutters from where is head is plastered to the table.

But before Moxxie to open his mouth, Millie jumps in excitedly, "Oh! My momma used to love telling us stories about when she first felt us move, that's something to look forward to!"

"Huh, I guess I do have that to look forward too Mills, at least someone in your marriage got the brains."



Laying on the sofa watching a horse cartoon, Blitz idly strokes his bump in slow smoothing circles. It had been a long, but a good, day however, his feet and back were starting the ache slightly which wasn't fun. He was glad that he has M&M an d that they wanted to spend time with him today, heaven they even offered! It was nice to have friends to do that with again. Maybe he should text Fizz and ask if he wants to meet up for coffee or something. That would be nice. Maybe they could work together and be how they used to b- a tiny flutter erupts in his abdomen

Blitz sits up suddenly, his hand now fully pressed against his stomach.His baby moved. His baby just moved for the first time.Blitz chokes back a sob as he feels it once again. It feels like tiny butterflies, like how he felt when he first saw what Stolas was wearing at Ozzies.

sh*t ,Stolas. He should be here... he should also be able to feel their child move.As quickly as those thoughts come, Blitz quickly shuts them down, and shove them deep down in his brain. Stolas isn't here as he can't know about the baby. As Blitz doesn't know how he will react as Stolas currently hates him. Yes, he is different to other Goetia and yes, he cares for Via, his fist daughter. But he's still a blue blood. And what blue blood wants a half imp offspring?

Blitz just has to keep reminding himself that. Even if it breaks his heart more and more each time.

It's for his baby, he reminds himself.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6~ Half Moonshine, Full Eclipse


Sorry again for the late update, it’s been a busy few weeks.
But OMG TTPD is soooo good and soooo stolitz coded and the full moon this month??? Can’t wait!!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitz has decided that being pregnant sucks. His back aches, his feet aches his clothes don’t fit right and he was constantly tired but the morning sickness is not as regular as it was, so that is a bonus- he has to take the small victories. The baby has decided that it only wants to move at night, no doubt due the owl demon that is it’s other parent, which at first was a cool but now he just really wants a full night sleep and not falling asleep at his desks, which just adds to the throbbing back pain. He has been felling a little dizzy lately and getting out of breath more easily, though it is probably nothing, his next appointment was in a few days time anyway so he can get that checked up then. Loona has and is being great with him, spending more tie with him, more for Loona anyway, she is making sure he is eating enough and the right things, as well as taking all his prenatal vitamins, and has started calling him ‘dad’ more and more often (Blitz would be lying if he says he hasn’t almost cried every time Loona calls him dad, f*cking hormones).

Millie is being good to him as well, just checking up on him every now and again and just making sure he is safe on missions (that he went on, which were becoming less and less) and spending more time with him in and out of work. She has been helping a lot the past week with his pregnancy symptoms and gets excited even time she can feel it move, cooing every time and Blitz would be lying to himself if he said it wasn’t nice to have some to be excited about the baby with. Moxxieon the other hand has been a pain in his ass since he found out that Blitz is knocked up, making a big deal every time he went to go on missions by either forcing him to stay back or sidelining him to be a sniper, when they weren’t on missions or having a meeting with a client he was ranting about the dangers and risks of imp pregnancies (especially hybrid pregnancies, it has gone unsaid who the other father is but it is pretty obvious who it was) as well as asking a million questions a day- has Blitz taken his prenatal vitamins, hasn’t he already had an ice coffee today, has he eaten? After a week of it he was exhausted, it is nice that they care but sometimes all he wants to do is lock himself in his office drink his iced coffee, eat something sweet and listen to music and maybe have a quick cry session or just sleep. He’s pregnant after all so he has an excuse to do that.

Though the two questions that had causes Blitz to do just that had, as well as being more moody and short-tempted than normal,only been asked once; Does the father know and when was he going to be told? It was then left unsaid not to ask Blitz those questions, but all of I.M.P, even his precious Loonie, have been dropping very obvious hints that Stolas should know.Like hell is Stolas going to find out.And he has threatened more than once if anyone even tries to hint something to the prince Moxxie won’t be employee of the month, Loonie will be grounded and Millie won’t be able to feel the baby move or be the first one (other than himself and Loonie) to hold the baby.

He has even caught up with Fizz within last week, which has been nice, in attempt to rekindle their friendship. At the moment it is going really well and they are on their way to being friends again, though they would probably never been what they were before. But it is still nice and much more than what he could ask for. On their last meet up the day before Fizz had asked about the baby and it was nice to talk about, without somehow mentioning the other parent. Fizz had also demanded to be called Uncle Fizzy once the kid was born, after feeling it kick the spade on his tailing and being disappointed that Blitz had already chosen Moxxie and Millie to be the Hellparents. He still needs to figure out a way to ask them. It’s gotta be BIG.

So, so far the pregnancy has been going good. If he ignores a certain presences missing.


It’s the full moon. Tonight. And Stolas hasn’t cancelled. In fact he has made sure that Blitz is definitely visiting him tonight and he been feeling dizzy and nauseous all day. Just fantastic.

Work today has been slow as it had been for the last week (well for Blitz anyway, thanks Moxxie), but it had still gone by too fast at the same time, and now he is getting ready to meet Stolas - the father of his baby, who doesn’t know exists- for the full moon. After cancelling the last two full moon sessions he has decided that he is bored without his impish little playthingand wants him to rawdog him into his mattress.

Which f*cks up Blitz’s plan. Stolas can’t know about the baby.

Looking at himself in the mirror while he gets ready makes him want to cry. One the bags under his eyes are the biggest they have ever been. Two he looks paler than normal and Stolas will definitely clock on that something is not right. And three, the most obvious reason, his bump that he was sure is bigger than it should be at this point. Yes he was now about three months, which is half way in imp pregnancies, but he is huge and looks closer to four months than three. Maybe it was due to the baby being half royal. He should ask at his next appointment. As if it knows that Blitz was complaining about them, the baby sends a harsh kick to the side of his abdomen, how he hopes it falls back asleep by the time he gets to the palace. The giant bump also highlights the weight he’s lost, while he is putting it back on the little hell spawn in his belly was a hungry little sh*t stain, so it’s taking a little longer than he hoped to put it back on. Hopefully Stolas won’t notice.Who is he kidding, Stolas will definitely notice.

So Blitz decides to stick to his original plan and tell Stolas that he is bloated but another problem is that due to the growth spurt the baby had within the last week or so his belly has swollen to double its size and none of his sexy Stolas f*cking clothes fit him. Hell, he no longer fits in any one of his bottoms (expect for joggers and one pair of leggings) and most of his tops look very taunt around his stomach now. And he knows he couldn’t pull out as Stolas had said it is very important they meet tonight. Maybe he has a new kink he is dying to try out.

So after soothing the fussing kid in his stomach, Blitz puts on an oversized pink horse jumper, which also happens to be his favourite and his good luck jumper, that somehow hides the bump and a pair of stretchy leggings, takes one last look at himself in the mirror to make sure everything looks hidden, and grabs the book and makes his way over to the palace. Not before taking a steady breath and downing some water in an attempt to sooth his growing headache and slight dizziness he is feeling.No backing out now.


The full moon was shining a crescent red through Stolas’ glass doors as he sits there waiting for Blitz. It will. Be the first full moon they have seen each other in three months, and possibly their last, though he hopes not. Stolas hopes that the asmodeuian crystal can set them free from their arrangement so they can start a proper relationship. The wait has now become worsen than before and Stolas can help that little flutter of hope that Blitz will except his gift it’s good grace and that they can be something more. He can help nervously rubbing his hands together as he waits and watches his balcony doors for his imp.

Which is why he is so surprised when one on his servants enters his chambers with Blitz in tow clutching his book, hiding slightly behind the servant, who is looking nervous. The servant gives a quick bow and leaves the room hastily, giving him a full view of the imp. No backing down now.

Blitz had also changed his outfit, Stolas notices, with what seems o be a pair of leggings and an oversized pink horse jumper. Not his normal clothes, but he still looks as dashing as ever in them, which causes Stolas heart to break slightly for this may be the last time he sees Blitz or Blitz enters his bed chambers. Oh how he hopes it will not be. How he hopes tonight will go well.

Stolas sits up from his position on the bed to greet the imp, avoiding eye contact with him, “Hello Blitz”, thus missing the way Blitz flinches when is name was said.

“Hey, Stolas.” He takes a small pause and breath before continuing, “So, what are the plans for tonight?”

“I was thinking we could just talk.”

Blitz’s eyebrow raises slightly, placing his grimoire on the bed. “About what?”

”About us… about the deal.”

”What’s there to talk about, I f*ck you nice and hard once a month in exchange for your book so I can keep my business running. Like you said a favour for a favour.” The words ‘transaction f*cking’ were left unsaid, but very much floating in the air.

“This transactional thing we have it’s not right anymore it hasn’t been for a while. And I regret my part in that…”

The words ‘not right’ and ‘regret’ echoes in Blitz’s mind causing his heart to drop. He regrets it… he does truly hate me.

”…I am embarrassed by my behaviour and should not have done what I did to you…”

Of course, of course his embarrassed by you. You’re an imp, he’s a prince… image what he will feel if he finds out about the creature growing in your womb. What he’ll do to them, to you. Blitz had know almost fulling stopped listening to Stolas, and was now listening to the voices in his head as they grew in volume. It was going against every instinct that was screaming at him to run, leave or at least hold his stomach in some way to protect it.

“… chose to spend time with me. Which is why I am ending our deal. You will no longer be required nor forced to see me every full moon. So I will be keeping my book and it make sure your business will not suffer and still have a way to the human realm I’m gifting you this.” It made Blitz want to throw up how happy and hopeful Stolas sounds. He is happy to be rid of him.

Stolas reaches behind him to grab a box and opens it for Blitz to see and inside is an orange Asmodeus crystal. But all Blitz could hear was an increasing ringing noise in his ears. Stolas was getting rid of him, and making sure he stays away. He is done with Blitz, he doesn’t want home anymore. He’s used goods. He had has his fun and now he was throwing away his little f*ck toy. Blitz doesn’t know whether he wants to throw up or pass out (and hope it is just a dream).Satan, he knew Stolas hates him but ithurt for it to be true and Stolas all but confirming it.

The silence is almost deafening and Stolas takes a shaking breath and finally looks Blitz in the eye. Or at least tries to. For Blitz is looking at the ground, his eyebrows pulled together in anger. After a few seconds Blitz looks up, eyes glassy with both anger and sadness.

“You f*cks think you can do this all the time!” The dizziness from earlier was coming back, stronger than before, and this time it is stronger and came with back up inn the form of light cramps in his stomach.
That can’t be good.Like you can play with our feelings because we are smaller and not as important!” White flashes dart across Blitz’s vision as tears stream down his face. Stolas is throwing me away, he has used him and for f*ck’s sack BREAD HIM (not that he knows) and now he is down with him. Blitz misses the way Stolas’ face drops as tears start to form within his eyes. Blitz takes a small step towards the owl demon, that is more of a stumble, his hands shaking slightly as he brings them up to his chest.

“Was it not enough? Was I not good enough? I did everything you asked me to, I never said no and I thought you enjoyed it!”. The room feels like it is spinning, as anger, desperation and dizziness takes control of Blitz. The baby not liking the change in emotions starts to fuss, causing the unwelcome feeling of rising nausea. Ignoring the feeling Blitz takes an unsteady step towards the prince.

“Blitz no! That’s- that’s not what I mean!”

That weight in Blitz’s stomach moved, once again, not realising the distress it had just caused. “What so that’s it?” Blitz takes anther wobbling step, this one more obvious than the last. “You used me like a toy and now you’re done with me, just gonna throw us away cause I don’t meet your standards anymore? Or is it because you regret being with an imp and are embarrassed that you got found out! So now…” Some anger dies down as Blitz takes a wobbly breath, that is strained, and tears start to form in his eyes “… you found away to get rid of the problem… get rid f me… us.” The last bit was almost un-audible as Blitz’s version was now starting to go fully white as he feels his conscience slowly slip away, but in his anger and pure raw sadness he does not feel his conscience rapidly slipping away from him.

“No Blitz please if you just listen to me I’m not getting rid of you, for f*ck’s sake I LOVE YOU! I want me and you to be something more- wait… did you just say us, what does that mean?”

“Stolas…” was all Blitz was able to say as he loses his battle with his conscious and falls forward, reaching out towards the bird demon, who quickly notices and catches him just in time. Causing his desperation and of the misunderstanding to turn to concern very quickly.

“Blitz!” Stolas shakes him slightly to attempt to wake the other demon up. “Blitz, come on, wake up… please.” Nothing. Blitz doesn’t even stir. Holding the unconscious demon Stolas can feel that Blitz has lost a lot of weight since they last saw each other, and taking a closer look at the imp in his arms he can see the jumper sits on his stomach strangely. Hesitantly, he moves his hand towards the imp’s stomach and lifts the jumper up and pulls his hand away from shock as where there is normally toned abs (that the demon is so proud of) is now a clear and taunt bump. Stolas looks carefully at the imp and once again places a hand on the bump and to his shock, and slight horror, he feels a little kick.

Without a second thought he rips open a portal to an emergency room in Sloth and rushes through, with a deadweight Blitz in his arms.

Wasting no time, he demands for Blitz to be seen right away, ignoring all the stares from the other demons in the room and explains as much as he understands to the nurse, who looked quite frightened and surprised to see a prince of hell. Before he knew it Blitz was ripped from his arms as doctors and nurses rush his beloved deeper into the hospital. Being unable to follow the prince of hell watches the imp leave his sight as the tears stream down his face, even more than before.


The first thing Blitz notices as he slowly wakes up is the sound of a constant beeping noise, then the strong smell of sterilised equipment and then the bright light shinning down on him. One by one his senses come back, as do the memories. The full moon, Stolas, the crystal and the dizziness and … oh no…

Without thinking his hands grab his bump, and he releases his breath as he feels his swollen middle and the movement in it that reacts to his touch. Thank satan, the sh*tstain is ok. Blitz flops back down onto the bed, only now taking in the rest of his surroundings. He is in a hospital and is hooked up to a few machines he has idea what the f*ck are for. To his left is a window where the morning purple hues of Sloth shine through. To his right, slumped over sleeping and using his cloak as a blanket is Stolas, hooting away in his slumber.Wait…To his right is*t.

He could feel his heart beat quicken,which was quickly reflected by the loud beeping noise from the machine he is attached too, causing it to go crazy and louder than before. Oh satan.He has to find a way out before the prince wakes up, he can’t climb through the window due to obvious reasons, maybe if he is fast and quiet enough he can sneak past Stolas and leg it back home. Lost in his own panic and thoughts, Blitz doesn’t realise that the increase of noise and more constant beeps causes Blitz’s roommate to start to stir and wake.

sh*t, Stolas can’t see me like this. The blanket is too thin, showing off his clear baby bump, he can’t know about his baby. sh*t. He may already know if he was in the room and they gave him an exam. sh*t f*ck sh*t f*ck sh*t f*ck. What the f*ck do I tell Stolas ? Without realising Blitz had wrapped his arms around his middle and bought his legs up in an attempt to protect his baby. Blitz then turns and meets Stolas’ red, and very much open, eyes. And Blitz has never felt more afraid than he does right now.


A loud and constant beeping noise woke Stolas up from his restless slumber as the events of the night before flood his brain. The full moon, seeing Blitz dressed up, his reaction to the crystal, the anger, his, passing out and the news… the news he had to find out this way . Some anger starts to rise within Stolas at the thought that Blitz hadn’t told him the news, that he was f*cking pregnant , and that he had to find out by a Blitz passing out and feeling a kick from the bump on his stomach, only for a nurse to confirm what he thought to be true by asking him whether or not he knew the imp was with child. In hindsight it did explain why Blitz had been acting slightly timid and the quick mood swing but it hurt that Blitz hadn’t told him himself, he wouldn’t have been mad if it wasn’t his and would have helped and support Blitz as much as he could, or how much the imp would let him help. The only way he knew that they were his was through the ultrasound that the nurse did with Blitz unconscious that showed the foetuses have avian features, to make sure they were ok and hadn’t been injured or worse. Why hadn’t Blitz told him? It doesn’t make any sense, which only fuels the anger Stolas is currently feeling.

That anger quickly melts away as he turns to look at Blitz, who is currently holding is stomach with his knees pulled to his chest as best a he can with the bump in the way, with a look of pure fear written on his face. A face that is currently looking straight at Stolas, with a body that is breathing too fast to be normal and is too rigid to be natural. It feels alien to Stolas that he is currently looking at Blitz. Taking a closer look at the imp he can see how fragile Blitz looks, the bags under his eyes, the way his cheek bones jut out slightly and how his arms shake slightly as they wrap around his swollen middle. He looks like a hell-deer in headlights, as the doctors rush in and surrounds him. His lips then trembles as his eyes lock into Stolas and whispers.

“Please don’t hurt them” His breath hitches and his arm tightens around the bump. “Please don’t take them from me”


He knows…

Sorry again for the late update, hope you guys enjoyed:)

And thank you so much for the kudos and comments, the support is amazing and I can’t believe, truly thank you all so much it means a lot <3


Chapter 7: Chapter 7 ~ In Sixteen Years Will All of This Be Declassified? ‘Cause I Would Have Died For Your Sins


This chapter is a bit heavier than goes, it explore Blitz’s past and why exactly he is so afraid of Stolas finding out about the pregnancy and how he’ll react

TW: underage, power/age gap relationship, sort of prostitution, miscarriage

I will write a quick summary of this chapter at the end if you don’t want to read, as some plots will be important to the story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

While it’s true that Blitz is bigger than most imps he is still on the small side of the scale when it came to height as imps in general are one of the smallest species of demons in hell, however Blitz never felt small often. Yet, Blitz has never felt as small as he does now, staring at Stolas while doctors try to pry him off himself as he tries to protect hisbaby. He couldn’t before but he will now.

A small voice in the back of his head is telling him that the doctors want to help, or maybe someone was telling him that. But they couldn’t help last time. No one had helped him.


16 Years Ago

Blitzo had never been the best performer in the circus, especially in solo acts, only even managing to gin a few cheers in his performance with Fizz and Barbie. It was annoying as well, as he often put in the same amount (if not more) effort, practice and heart than his best friend and sister. It often got hard as well when someone does the same thing as you and gets more attention, laughs and applause than you do. It infuriated his father, who was also the ringleader and owner of the circus, but after the play date he had when he was 8 with Stolas his father found him a new use. To be privately rented out to clients.

At first, it was simply play dates for their children or to carry their stuff around the circus and he was ok with that as his father promised that the money would help mama out. But as he got older and matured more he started to have to privately entertain clients. And he hated every second of it.

His mama had told him that his first time would always be special and that he should do it with someone who he cares for and cares for him just as much. Which is why he will tell everyone that Fizz was his first. Fizz was the first demon he ever laid with. He was. And not the demons that his father sold him to.

He will always remember his father, the almighty drunken Cash Buckzo,giving him a small velvet and lacy nightgown and matching stockings, telling him not to be obedient in the tent, to not complain or scream to loud and most importantly he cannot tell anyone, not Fizz, nor Barbie or his mother, about what happens in the tent. And then being pushed into the awaiting arms of whatever demon Cash had sold him to.

The first few times Blitzo didn’t registered for what had happened, it felt like a hazy nightmare that he didn’t even know if it really happened, only for the harsh reality to hit him in the face while he tried to sleep. After that he disassociated during the sessions, only to get into sh*t with his father as his performance wasn’t up to standards. After Cash threatened to put Barbie or Fizz in his position he got his act together and gave the clients a helluva evening.

After that, he never disobeyed the demon he was servicing, he never complained or screamed too loud, he never told anyone what went on during his ‘one night only performance’ and he never enjoyed it. He hated every second of it. Until him. Belial. A Goetain Royal Duke .

The month after he turned 16 his father told him that he had a very special client (not just a special like usual) after his bit of the show and that he had to be on his best behaviour . So like always after he finished his sets with Barbie and Fizz he sneaked out of the main tent of the circus and into the dressing room of a smaller tent that was on the outskirts of the circus. He hastily got changed into his entertaining costume, if you could even call it that, which was purely straps and buckles and applied a more glamorous make up upon his face. And waited.

A mere five minutes later Blitz heard the opening of the curtains of his private tent and then the soft sound of something sitting down on the cushions. After taking a deep breath Blitzo opened the curtain to the main room to give whatever asshole his father wanted him to deal with, only to be met by a very handsome antelope demon, who has the same red glowy eyes as that little prince he had a playable with all those years ago (which started this whole special treatment thing), Stolas or something. Which can only mean only thing, this demon was an Ars Goetia and most likely royalty. And he was hot. Satan he was blessed. Maybe it would make it easier.

Getting straight to his job Blitzo entertained the demon, obeyed his every command basking in his deep and husky voice, ignoring how uncomfortable he was when he realised that he had paid extra to not use protection whiling trying to give this demon a show and a night to remember.

After what felt like hours he finished his job, by not before Blitzo had managed to steal a few items from the rich asshole, including a very nice and expensive looking ring. But before he could retreat into the safety of his dressing room, the other demon did something strange, something no other demon he had served had done.

“I’m Belail, by the way. And you are?”Belailhad told him his name, and had asked for his in return.

“Blitzo, but you already knew that.”

Belail laughed, and satan did that laugh do something to Blitzo. “I did, I just wanted to hear it from you.” Belail finished putting his clothes on and looked at the other demon in the room. “See you around.” And with that he left the tent.

Leaving Blitzo bereft and reeling. Something that only Fizz had managed to make him feel.

A small smile grew on the imps face, as he lacked the knowledge that this meeting would destroy him in only a few short months.


A few days after Blitzo his encounter with Belial he shows up at the circus during a show and Blitzo can feel his red glowing eyes follow him around the tent as he leaps in the air. Once the show had finished he was waiting for Blitzo in his dressing room.

”I believe you have something that belongs to me.” He demands

”I have no idea what you mean.” Blitzo retorts, not knowing which item the other demon was referring to.

”Yes you do, a ring. It’s a family heirloom, I need it back.” Belial calming replied, if it was so important Blitzo doubted his reaction would be so tame.

”I don’t have it. You must have lost it.”

”I know for a fact that that is not true as I was wearing it when I entered your tent… If you wanted to see me again so badly all you had to do was ask. You didn’t need to go to the length of stealing my ring.”

”Ummm what?”

A knowing smirked spread across the antelope demons snout. “Well, if that’s the case how about we strike a deal. A date for my ring. I’ll pay.”

After the date Blitzo forgot to give the ring back


The next few weeks flew past in a dazzling blur. Blitzo had felt like the luckiest imp in all of hell. He had a (maybe) secret boyfriend, who was a duke, and spoiled him rotten. He also cared for him very much, which he reminded him every time they slept together. Belial also comes to see Blitzo perform during the main hours of the circus and it felt so nice to know that someone in the audience is there for him, not Fizz, not Barbie. Him.

He felt like he is in love. sh*t.He was in love. It was fun and exciting to keep their relationship a secret, even though he wanted to tell his best friend and sister how happy he was Belial wanted no one to know and Blitzo had respect his wish. But, oh how he cannot wait to see him tonight. And to think all this started because he stole that ring, which now that he thought about it he really needs to give back to the other demon. As soon as he finds it again.

Unbeknownst to Blitzo, Belial was making the final plans for his wedding that would take place in the upcoming month. But the one thing that was missing was his families wedding ring. A ring that he couldn’t wait to get back from a young and silly gullible, circus dirt imp.


For the last week Blitzo had been feeling… off. He had thrown up every morning for the past week and a half and his back ached. So just out of curiosity he took a pregnancy test. Which had come back positive. And he had been staring at it for the last 15 minutes, with his palm placed over his stomach and the small feeling of hope and excitement bubbling in his chest.

He was going to be a dad. Unholy Satan, he was going to be a dad! And with someone who he cares for- or even loves- and cares for him! His mum always told him how happy she was when she found out she was pregnant with him and Barbie, he also thought that it was bullsh*t, but looking at the test in his hands he finally realised how true her words were. If anyone asked whether he clutched the pregnancy test to his chest and kicked his feet excitedly he will deny it till the day he dies. For once his future was not just the circus. For once his future was looking bright and he was actually looking forward to it.


“You’re. What.” Belial said slowly and through gritted teeth, causing Blitzo to deflate a little and lose some of his enthusiasm.

“I’m pregnant. It’s… um… yours” Blitzo losses even more wind as he lowers the pregnancy test. The look of rising anger from Belial took him by surprise.
“And how sure of that are you? What ever is growing in you cannot be mine.”

Blitzo could not help the way his voiced raised and that slight sharpness behind his words. “Quite sure. You are the only person I’ve been with in over a month! And the only person who has f*cked me without a condom! How could- how could you think that! Why would I lie to you!”

Belial’s face was bright red, a look of pure anger bubbled and exploded from the royal demon.”You’re nothing but an impish little plaything. A gold digging slu*t! And if that thing growing inside you is truly mine, than it’s nothing more than a parasite… an abomination! ”

In mere seconds Blitzo’s life had come crushing down. “Wh-what? But I thought you cared…”. He wrapped an arm protectively around his stomach as his tail collided around his leg. Belial had always been so kind and caring to him, the person in front of him was a stranger. A cruel dark husk of the demon he thought he knew.

A hollow laugh echoed from Belial’s chest, which caused Blitzo to grow cold. “ You think I care for a dirty circus clown? A lowly imp? The dirt under my feet is worth more than you. I only pretended and put up with your sh*t so I could get my family’s ring back that you foolishly didn’t give back. Or maybe you did it on purpose to milk me for what I’m worth. If so, very smart little imp.” Belial sneered.

Tears were now building up in Blitzo’s eyes, falling freely and violently down his face.It was an act… none of it was real. It was all about that stupid ring. Which was currently in his pocket…

“And you’re nothing more than a pompous rich asshole.” Blitzo said through gritted teeth, as he looked the other demon in the eye and threw the ring at his face watching satisf as it hit him right in between the eyes.


A week later Blitzo heard on the radio about a goetain duke’s marvellous wedding that would have been the height of the season if not for the upcoming wedding of one of the princes. He had switched it off before the reporter had said the name of which prince. He had vied himself to sleep that night. Not that he had been sleeping much lately, he had been so ill and hadn’t had the guts to tell everyone why.

Of course his mum, sister and best friend had been worried for him but he brushed it off that it was a mild flu or something as he was still able to perform, though it had been due to performing earlier today that he was currently bed ridden. He had pushed himself too far in the show today and was now suffering with the worst stomach cramps he has ever had. He had heard off his mamas friends that it was normal in early stages, but he was worried for how intense they are.

Through his pain he didn’t hear the curtains to his room open or the loud gasp that followed.

”Blitzo, baby what’s wrong?” It was his mama.

”It hurts. It hurts so badly.” He gasped out as his mama came over and cradled him in her arms.

”What does baby?”

”My stomach mama, it hurts so badly.” He cried again. The last thing he recalled from that night was on last surge of pain as something started dripping down his legs and he lost consciousness was a surprised but horrified gasp as his mama cried out his name.


He had lost the baby. The only true and innocent thing that had come from the last month or so. His mama wanted him to explain everything but he couldn’t. He just couldn't. He was forbidden to say anything about his private shows and couldn’t tell anyone about Belial. He was trapped, lost and broken. He had been used like a toy and thrown away. It hurt.

At least she understood that and didn’t push too had, she just sat on the hospital bed with him and stroked his horns, humming to him and promising everything will be ok.

He would be ok, eventually. But one thing was for certain he will never trust a royal bastard ever again.


- Cash sells Blitz when he is younger to entertain guests, Blitz gets into a relationship of some sort and falls for a duke that his dad sells him to.
- Blitz thinks that the duke cares for him, but he is just being used till he gets married, but Blitz doesn’t know that and thinks it’s real
- No one knows about the relationship
- Blitz falls pregnant and is excited about it and thinks that he and the duke will raise it together
- when he tells the duke he laughs in his face and tells Blitz the truth about their relationship
- He calls the child an abomination and that it should have never been created and leaves Blitz alone
- A few days later Blitz suffers a miscarriage

I wrote this before full moon and forgot to post it, but dw Stolas’ reaction will be in the next chapter :)

Give you my wild, give you a child - spn_626 (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.